Covid vaccine

Covid-19 Vaccine

Administering COVID-19 Vaccine at The Moments: Keeping our Residents Protected

In response to the news about the COVID-19 vaccine, daughter of a resident, Carolyn said,

Thank goodness that The Moments is her home. The reason why [my mom] is doing so well is because she is there. I will have total peace of mind once the residents and staff receive the vaccine. [The Moments] will become a completely safe environment for all visitors. We are so close – we’re at the end of the hurdle.

Approval and Distribution of a COVID-19 Vaccine

Since the onset of this global pandemic, we’ve been waiting for this day to arrive – the approval and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine. During the past several months, to mitigate risks, we took several independent measures and adhered to MDH/CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of exposure and community spread among our beloved residents and committed staff. For example, we installed Far-UVC state-of-the-art sanitation technologies, required rapid testing for all essential visitors, and implemented several new operating protocols across our community

The availability of a COVID-19 vaccine for long-term care communities and healthcare workers is a gift of protection for the continued health and safety of our residents, staff and our entire community. 

Plan for Administering the COVID-19 Vaccine:

At The Moments our plan for administering the COVID-19 vaccine is as follows: 

  • CVS Pharmacy is our partner for vaccine administration. 
  • CVS will notify The Moments providing three vaccination dates. These dates will be spread apart to allow for the required two doses of the vaccine
  • Residents and staff will be scheduled for their first and second vaccinations 
  • The trained CVS staff of pharmacists and nurses will work alongside our care providers to administer the vaccine on-site at The Moments.
  • Residents can elect to have the vaccine administered in their rooms. A dedicated COVID vaccine area also will be set up for staff and residents. 

At The Moments, our top priority is for the long-term protection of our staff and residents, so we are eager to begin the COVID-19 vaccination process in the next few weeks.

Contact us today to learn more about our Covid-19 protocol and to learn more about The Moments.


Published On: December 18, 2020