Memory Supplements for Seniors: Enhance Brain Health Naturally
A major concern that many share about aging is the fear of memory loss and cognitive decline. No person of any age wants an unhealthy brain.
Thankfully, there are natural ways to enhance brain health and memory function in older adults. One accessible, at-home approach is to try supplements. Natural vitamins and minerals have the power to improve memory for the elderly.
Scientists are always hard at work behind the scenes testing medications and supplements for their efficacy. Although many attention-grabbing headlines may want you to believe that supplements do nothing for the mind, that’s simply not true. Many evidence-backed supplement options are available.
As a disclaimer, the best “memory” supplements for seniors are not a cure-all. However, supplementing can help to reduce inflammation, reduce depression and anxiety, and improve energy levels. These factors make a significant difference in cognitive function and a healthy memory.
We always recommend that you speak with your medical providers before starting any new routine. Today we’ll cover evidence-based memory supplements for seniors and explain how they can help.
Finding the Best Memory Supplements for Seniors
Certain nutrients and vitamins are essential for brain health. Of course, the best way to meet your daily nutrition goals is through diet, but that can be tricky. Eating all of your nutrients is a challenge, especially for seniors who may be struggling with loss of appetite. Supplementing is an easy and relatively accessible way to get all the nutrients you need.
As we mentioned, memory supplements are a hotly debated topic among the scientific community. In 2023, researchers conducted a detailed review of 103 different brain health or memory supplements. Instead of boring you with the fine print, we’ll get straight to the highlights: what memory supplements for seniors actually work?
Proven Supplements for Memory for Seniors
What supplements improve memory for the elderly?
- Ashwagandha is both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative. Research suggests that it may have a positive effect on cognition. Benefits include improvement in immediate memory, general memory, attention, and information-processing speed.
- Caffeine might improve both short-term and long-term memory, and small studies have supported this. Research is currently a bit lacking.
- Choline helps improve and regulate memory. This is an essential nutrient and has even been used to positive effect following traumatic brain injuries.
- Ginger may improve working memory, making it a potential cognitive enhancer. However, it has only been studied in middle-aged women.
- Lion’s mane mushrooms are in the primary stages of research for cognitive support.
- Vitamin E may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The effectiveness is not clear yet.
The Best Vitamins for Seniors for Memory
The efficacy of some other popular vitamins and supplements is a bit more hazy. Some studies claim memory support from several other supplements. These include carnitine, ginkgo biloba, huperzine A, and vitamins D and E. The research as a whole is quite mixed. Again, we encourage you to consult with your medical providers before starting a new supplement routine.
Vitamins and supplements are not the only way to care for your mind! Whether or not you are experiencing symptoms of cognitive decline, a healthy lifestyle will support a healthy brain. We love these five tips by Kaiser Permanente about lifestyle changes that will boost your brain power!
- Eat well. Yes, everyone says the same thing, but this is the best source of nutrients that support cognitive function and the rest of your body.
- Move your body. Exercise and movement are important for both circulation and the creation of neurons, which support memory.
- Sleep well. Sleeping is when the brain flushes toxins and heals itself. In simple terms, the brain resets each morning.
- Exercise your brain. Physical activity is important, but so is mental activity! This can mean finding a new hobby, having deep conversations, doing puzzles, reading books, or whatever else feels right to you.
- Be social. Human interaction is good for every part of us, especially the brain. Connection is a vital chance for learning and sharing.
We put these five practices into place every day at The Moments. Our residents experience exceptional dining, enriching activities and outings, beautiful calming spaces, and close connections daily. Click the links above to learn how we embrace these healthy habits and more in our community.